Recently, with publication of Bessel van der Kolk's new book, Our bodies Keeps the Score, there is a flurry of calls from those with a variety of concerns who're wondering, "Is neurofeedback right for me?" Underneath are the top 10 questions that men and women have asked.

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1. What's neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a kind of biofeedback that helps you discover how to change your brainwaves. When you can observe something can change it, and neurofeedback enables you to observe your brain at the office. This, in turn, assists you to learn to improve your brain's performance and shift all those feelings.

2. What kind of results may i expect from neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is really a tool, so the results depend partly on the focus and skill of the practitioner. You can use it to improve such conditions as AD/HD, anxiety, and sleep. Many clients see improvement in focus, attention, concentration, memory, productivity, creativity, sleep, the capability get through stressful events using a sense of calm, and excellence of life.

Many licensed health care professionals use neurofeedback. An M.D. could use neurofeedback to reduce seizure activity treat migraines, a psychologist to lessen the symptoms associated with autism, or possibly a physical therapist to help reduce pain.

3. Exactly what is a neurofeedback session like?

From a brief check-in, tiny sensors are connected to your scalp employing a simple paste or saline solution. These sensors monitor your brainwaves. Whenever you make the desired change (more fast waves, perhaps, or less slow waves), you obtain audio and visual feedback -- a sound, a picture that unfolds in all directions, or perhaps a documentary video.

After 30-40 minutes of feedback, and a brief check-in about the session, you'll plan how to proceed at home to support the neurofeedback. For instance, you might keep a sleep log, start a 5-minute mindfulness practice, take something off your calendar, or pay attention to an audio.

4. How many times do I need to come in?

Because neurofeedback is learning, visits have to be often enough that learning is reinforced. Once to twice each week is optimal, although more frequent sessions often result in faster change.

5. How well does neurofeedback work?

Scientific studies generally show a success rate of about 80%. Many clinics report higher results, in part because they can tailor services to the needs of each client. Typically, you will understand within first month if neurofeedback is helping you reach your objectives.

6. How long could it take me to get the results I want?

What a bit like asking just how long it will take for you to chance a 10k or play in the guitar. The answer is: this will depend on your goals where you're starting. Someone having problems with sleep due to a situational stressor will progress quicker than someone who's been anxious dating back to they can remember. For most people, 3 to 6 months is good enough to get significant and lasting results. Ultimately, though, you select how long to continue then when you've reached your goals.

7. Will the outcomes last?

As with any type learning, in case you have a solid base, the outcome tend to last. Even if you haven't been on a bicycle for decades, for example, you can still find the balance fairly quickly. With neurotherapy, the "base" appears to be about 20 sessions. Many studies have followed people for 2 years after neurotherapy ends, determined that clients maintain their gains or continue to improve. In one study AD/HD (Joel Lubar), researchers discovered that even after 10 years, size increases lasted.

There are a few situations that by their very nature need ongoing reinforcement. Optimum performance, for example, it requires ongoing attention to live in top mental condition, equally as it takes ongoign work to be in top physical shape. Other concerns, such as age-related cognitive decline, may need a few sessions every 3-4 months to maintain the gains. A serious environmental stressor may additionally mean a new compilation of sessions.

8. Any kind of side effects?

Neurofeedback is a form of learning, and no lasting side-effects have already been reported. There are sometimes transient effects, both bad and the good, as the brain moves toward better self-regulation. Some clients have reported alterations in energy, mood, or sleep rogjt from a session. For some people feelings bubble up, for example, or there exists a period of intense dreaming. Others notice that their symptoms set out to improve.

9. Are available articles that show great and bad neurofeedback?

Yes. Over 40 years of research and over 1,000 published articles secure the effectiveness of neurofeedack, especially for AD/HD, and more recently for anxiety and mood. A great source is the International Society for Neurofeedback Research (ISNR).

10. May i do neurofeedback if I am in therapy or on medication?

Yes, neurofeedback utilizes therapy.

It is necessary to avoid stimulants for example caffeine for at least Two hours before each session. E-mail, many neurofeedback clients start during other types of medication. Practitioners state that it is often possible to decrease or stop using psychoactive medication under appropriate medical supervision.


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